LR Splines

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An LR-Spline implementation written in Python.

This aim of Python library is to provide a lightweight framework for understanding LR-splines. The library is in no shape or form optimized for high performance computing, but is rather aimed at being a small toolkit for gaining some intuition for LR-splines. For more industrial grade performance and a more complete set of tools, see the GoTools library written in C++.

Other LR-spline-related projects:

  1. LRSplines: A C++ library which some of the code in this repository is based on.
  2. LRSplines: Android App: An app for interactive demonstration of the LR-spline refinement procedure.


The need for adaptive refinement techniques is evident when it comes to optimizing the tradeoff between computational cost and computational accuracy. When utilizing spline spaces with an underlying tensor-product structure, refinement of a mesh induces a global propagation of the newly introduced meshlines to the whole mesh. This can be very inefficient. The concept of LR-Splines was introduced in 2013 in the paper Polynomial splines over locally refined box-partitions, and can be seen as an attempt to remedy this aforementioned problem. LR-Splines have several desirable properties:

  1. They form a non-negative partition of unity by construction.
  2. Linear independence (under some conditions on the refinement).


LR-splines are construced by starting with an initial tensor product spline space. Meshlines are then inserted one at the time, making sure the line completely traverses the support of at least one B-spline.

This B-spline is then split according to the standard knot insertion procedure, producing two new B-splines. These new B-splines are subsequently tested against all previously existing meshlines, to check for further splitting.


Download the repository and run:

python install

Verify the installation by running:

python -m import LRSplines