Source code for LRSplines.b_spline

import typing
from math import factorial

import numpy as np

if False:
    from LRSplines.element import Element

Vector = typing.List['float']
ElementVector = typing.List['Element']

def memoize(f):
    class MemoClass():
        def __init__(self, f):
            self.f = f
            self.cache = {}

        def __call__(self, x, knots, degree, endpoint=False, r=0):
            knots = np.array(knots)
            key = '{} {} {} {}'.format(x, degree, endpoint, r) + str(knots.tostring())
            if key not in self.cache:
                self.cache[key] = f(x, knots, degree, endpoint, r)
            return self.cache[key]

    return MemoClass(f)

def _evaluate_univariate_b_spline(x: float, knots: typing.Union[Vector, np.ndarray], degree: int,
                                  endpoint=False, r=0) -> float:
    Evaluates a univariate BSpline corresponding to the given knot vector and polynomial degree at the point x.

    :param endpoint:
    :param x: point of evaluation
    :param knots: knot vector
    :param degree: polynomial degree
    :param r: derivative
    :return: B(x)
    knots = np.array(knots)
    i = _find_knot_interval(x, knots, endpoint=endpoint)
    if i == -1:
        return 0
    t = _augment_knots(knots, degree)
    i += degree + 1

    c = np.zeros(len(t) - degree - 1)
    c[degree + 1] = 1
    c = c[i - degree: i + 1]

    for k in range(degree, degree - r, -1):
        t1 = t[i - k + 1: i + 1]
        t2 = t[i + 1: i + k + 1]

        c = np.divide((c[1:] - c[:-1]), (t2 - t1), out=np.zeros_like(t1, dtype=np.float64), where=(t2 - t1) != 0)

    for k in range(degree - r, 0, -1):
        t1 = t[i - k + 1: i + 1]
        t2 = t[i + 1: i + k + 1]
        omega = np.divide((x - t1), (t2 - t1), out=np.zeros_like(t1, dtype=np.float64), where=(t2 - t1) != 0)

        a = np.multiply((1 - omega), c[:-1])
        b = np.multiply(omega, c[1:])
        c = a + b

    return factorial(degree) * c.squeeze() / factorial(degree - r)

def _augment_knots(knots: Vector, degree: int) -> np.ndarray:
    Adds degree + 1 values to either end of the knot vector, in order to facilitate matrix based evaluation.

    :param knots: knot vector
    :param degree: polynomial degree
    :return: padded knot vector
    return np.pad(knots, (degree + 1, degree + 1), 'constant', constant_values=(knots[0] - 1, knots[-1] + 1))

def _find_knot_interval(x: float, knots: np.ndarray, endpoint=False) -> int:
    Finds the index i such that knots[i] <= x < knots[i+1]

    :param endpoint:
    :param x: point of interest
    :param knots: knot vector
    :return: index i

    # if we have requested end point, and are at the end, return corresponding index.
    if endpoint and (knots[-2] <= x <= knots[-1]):
        i = max(np.argmax(knots < x) - 1, 0)
        return len(knots) - i - 2

    # if we are utside the domain, return -1
    if x < knots[0] or x >= knots[-1]:
        return -1
    # otherwise, return the corresponding index

    return np.max(np.argmax(knots > x) - 1, 0)

def cached_univariate(degree: int, knots: typing.Union[typing.List[float], np.ndarray],
                      endpoint: bool = False) -> typing.Callable:
    Creates a cached version of the _evaluate_univariate_b_spline functions, as in a tensor product structure
    this yields a significant speedup.

    :param endpoint:
    :param degree: polynomial degree
    :param knots: knot vector
    :return: cached univariate evaluation.

    def cached_evaluation(x):
        return _evaluate_univariate_b_spline(x, knots, degree, endpoint=endpoint)

    return cached_evaluation

[docs]class BSpline(object): """ Represents a single weighted tensor product B-spline with associated methods and fields. """ def __init__(self, degree_u: int, degree_v: int, knots_u: Vector, knots_v: Vector, weight: float = 1, end_u=False, end_v=False, north=False, south=False, east=False, west=False) -> None: """ Initialize a BSpline with bidegree (degree_u, degree_v) over associated knot vectors knots_u and knots_v :param end_u: :param end_v: :param degree_u: degree in u_direction :param degree_v: degree in v_direction :param knots_u: knot vector in u_direction :param knots_v: knot_vector in v_direction :param weight: B-spline weight """ self.west = west self.east = east self.north = north self.south = south self.degree_u = degree_u self.degree_v = degree_v self.knots_u = np.array(knots_u, dtype=np.float64) self.knots_v = np.array(knots_v, dtype=np.float64) self.weight = weight self.coefficient = 1 self.end_u = end_u self.end_v = end_v self.elements_of_support: ElementVector = [] = None def __call__(self, u: float, v: float, r1=0, r2=0) -> float: """ Evaluates the BSpline at the parametric point (u, v). :param u: u component :param v: v component :return: B(u, v) """ return self.weight * _evaluate_univariate_b_spline(u, self.knots_u, self.degree_u, self.end_u, r1) * _evaluate_univariate_b_spline(v, self.knots_v, self.degree_v, self.end_v, r2)
[docs] def add_to_support_if_intersects(self, element: "Element") -> bool: """ Returns true if the given element intersects the support of this BSpline, and adds element to the list of elements of support. :param element: element in consideration :return: true or false """ if self.intersects(element): self.elements_of_support.append(element) return True else: return False
[docs] def remove_from_support(self, element: "Element") -> bool: """ Removes given element from the list of elements with support. Returns true if element is found and removed, false otherwise. :param element: element to remove :return: true or false """ if element in self.elements_of_support: self.elements_of_support.remove(element) return True else: return False
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ Implements == operator for BSplines. Two BSplines are assumed to be equal if their knot vectors are equal within a tolerance. :param other: BSpline to compare against :return: true or false """ if not isinstance(other, BSpline): return False return np.allclose(self.knots_u, other.knots_u, atol=1.0e-14) and np.allclose(self.knots_v, other.knots_v, atol=1.0e-14)
[docs] def intersects(self, element: "Element") -> bool: """ Returns true if the support of b_spline intersects the element with positive area. :param b_spline: b_spline whose support is to be checked :param element: element whose domain is to be checked :return: true or false """ intersection_u = min(self.knots_u[-1], element.u_max) - max(self.knots_u[0], element.u_min) intersection_v = min(self.knots_v[-1], element.v_max) - max(self.knots_v[0], element.v_min) if intersection_u <= 0 or intersection_v <= 0: return False else: return True
@property def knot_average(self) -> typing.Tuple[float, float]: """ Returns the knot average for this BSpline (the Greville point). :return: the knot average (u, v). """ return np.average(self.knots_u), np.average(self.knots_v)
[docs] def update_weights(self, other: "BSpline") -> None: """ Updates the weights during splitting. """ w = self.weight + other.weight self.coefficient = (self.coefficient * self.weight + other.coefficient * other.weight) / w self.weight = w
def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self.knots_v)) * self.degree_u + hash(tuple(self.knots_u)) * self.degree_v @property def overloaded(self) -> bool: """ True if all its supporting elements are overloaded. :return: True or false """ return all([e.is_overloaded() for e in self.elements_of_support]) def is_edge_dof(self) -> bool: return self.north or self.south or self.west or self.east def grad(self, X, Y): return np.array([self.__call__(X, Y, r1=1, r2=0), self.__call__(X, Y, r1=0, r2=1)])